Ok, so for no particular reason, one of the dogs (we suspect Jack) ate almost an entire jar of vaseline today,I mean, really? Vaseline ? Ewww. Your dog ate your hamters will your dog get sick? Yes,Who ate your dog ?, Related topics: Vaseline (trademark); No Vaseline ; Vaseline (multiple meanings) . 20 Feb 203, Meet Biscuit, the pug whose decision to eat Vaseline has left him/her, to be humorous and ended up with deep sympathy for this dog's plight. Today at work (a vet) we actually had a person call about her dog eating vaseline,My bosses (vets, of course) said she was fine, and would just . 22 Feb 203, Funny dog in diaper standing next to his sign of shame: "My name is Biscuit,I ate a large tube of Vaseline,Now I have to wear a doggie diaper . As you know as dogs age,their paws become more dry and callous,I've heard that petroleum jelly will soothe the paw and I've put on some,but .
27 Jul 2009, Anyways I am posting for a friend who called me in a panic cause her dog ate a half jar of vaseline,Will this harm him? Should she call the vet. The good news is, Vaseline is not poisonous to dogs (only dangerous to humans if they vomit because it can screw up their lungs if asperated; . Answer ( of 2): It probably won't hurt it but it may cause your dog to have diarrhea which could lead to dehydration,You need to watch your dog closely for the .
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